Smiths 40th Anniversary Ball in support of St Rose’s

What better way to celebrate our 40th anniversary than an evening with our suppliers and closest friends to raise money for a very worthy cause!

It is difficult to put into words what a spectacular evening the event was. We’d like to thank all those who donated and helped us with the event (a full list can be found on our social media posts) and to those who bought auction prizes and generally made the evening a huge success. The evening was hosted at Frocester Cricket club with Mike Tindall as guest speaker, with entertainment from the singing waiters and music from the Chip Shop Boys. We also showcased a special anniversary machine designed by JCB with Alan Smith positioned on the back window the photo taken of him in his very first JCB!

We are delighted to announce that we raised £100,000 for St Rose’s which will enable them to build a purpose built sensory playground at the school plus renovate and renew other equipment at the school that is in need of replacement. We are so pleased that we were able to support them in this venture and will continue to fundraise for them in the coming months.

For more information about St Rose’s can be found on the link: